Hmm . . .

I'm not a detective and I'm certainly not a doctor, but this picture makes me think, well I don't know, but is my mom getting old??? As we crossed the street yesterday, I was nervous that a police officer would stop and give me a gold star for my humanitarian services. (This is a mythical program that I've dreamed up from my childhood perception of policemen mixed with a playground "good deeds" program from my elementary school.) I guess I've always known this day was coming, I just didn't think it'd be this week. If you know my mom personally, please don't tell her about this picture because she's wearing her "around-the-house" crop top and I would be abandoned at age 25 for embarassment. But as you can see, that short shirt all too often sneaks into "out-of-the-house" outtings.

* In mom's defense, she has a broken knee and the walker is temporary.

8 Response to Hmm . . .

May 14, 2009 at 12:52 PM

Your poor mom. I hope her knee gets better soon and she can be walker free. How did she break her knee?

May 14, 2009 at 2:46 PM

No one is really sure how the knee became broken. I like to tell people that it happened during a Tai Kwon Do tournament.

May 14, 2009 at 5:57 PM

I feel sad for her! Sooz! She's still a class act, knee brace or not.

May 14, 2009 at 11:16 PM

Oh man, I totally sympathize with knee injuries! One thing is for sure - you need a great story to go along with them. Tai Kwon Do is awesome.

May 15, 2009 at 4:52 PM

Poor Susan! She was getting around without the walker last week, what happened since then? Is it getting worse? Clay is always saying that your mother is a 65 year old women trapped inside a 85 year old body. This picture makes that statement look true!

May 15, 2009 at 11:49 PM

I love Susan! She is such a champ and even came with us to that movie amidst the hoards of college students. Your Susan and my Susan should be friends.

May 20, 2009 at 11:50 AM

Your mom's crop top!! Ha, ha, that is funny. Chelsey I just noticed your blog two favorites being "how is jenny" and "greetings earthlings". I'm pretty sure that is a far more appropriate name for Rachel's blog. Ha, ha...I'm sorry (hope Rach doesn't read this) but please look at her most recent post. There is a picture of her with a helmet, pulling Ella behind her bike and a mini van in the background. I'm unfamiliar with what planet she comes from now...she has definitely crossed over into the shameless mother stage of her life. He, he...that's not a bad thing. I know we'll all make the transition some day but wow!

June 12, 2009 at 3:11 PM

Note to self: never let Chelsey come over after I've had surgery. She might take a photo of me in my neck brace, cast or other supportive equipment and post a photo of me wearing my around the house sweats and see-through t-shirt. :-) (Susan's might be cropped but mine is see-through)


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