The Economy, bah

Here's the truth, I'm sick of the economy. It's interrupting precious T.V. time, newspaper headlines, radio broadcasts, and most importantly, my life. I've contemplated how I can escape the gnawing of this ugly beast for days. Luckily, I work at one of the strongest Socialist organizations in America, so I have been phased very little by so-called "cut backs." Well that's not entirely true. We've been asked as a faculty not to buy any classroom supplies for the rest of the year, but since my budget is only $150 for said year, it's not much of a sacrifice. Looks like I won't be getting that extra box of crayolas this spring. Still, everyone is still yammering about the economy, and even worse, the stimulus package. I'm done. But, since that is anti-American, I've decided to join with my fellow citizens, in an act of patriotism, and blame everything on the ECONOMY.

Here are a few ways you can too:

1. In a reach for a fresh roll of toilet paper, you only find the materials for a homeade Christmas ornament--- Bah, the economy.

2. Anytime you want to let a child down about anything. For example, not going on vacation, the movies, the candy store, Burning Man, what have you ---I'm sorry kids, it's just the economy right now.

3. You can't drive to grandma's this weekend for her homemade gulash and potatoes--- Gas prices might be down, but sheesh, I'm not getting enough hours at work to fill the tank.

4. All the rough draft suicide notes around the apartment---jk readers.

5. A kid told me today, "I hate you."---This might only apply to junior high teachers, nonetheless I'm blaming the economy for his irrational behavior.

6. Long lines at the swingset---Everyone's looking for an inexpensive alternative these days. Poor people, stupid economy.

7. Road rage---Please assume I, or whoever else drives like a jerk, just got laid off from AIG.

8. Pretty much anytime you want to disappoint someone about anything---Things have been emotionally taxing recently, on account of my 401K dropping $1000. That darn economy.

Hopefully, we can all find the bright spot in a dark future.

8 Response to The Economy, bah

March 11, 2009 at 12:49 PM

I'm right there with you Chelsey! So Clay's 401 K is in the tank, so we didn't get our big bonus we were promised, lets just stop talking about it so much and focus on something the octomom for instance!j/k
Oh and it's just not a jr.high teacher thing to be told "I hate you", it's also a mom thing too. Yes, I had the same experience too today thanks to my lovely daughter! I guess I can blame it on the economy!

March 11, 2009 at 11:55 PM

So does gaining an extraordinarily amount of weight during my pregnancy count? Me thinks, "yes." If the econonomy were better I wouldn't have had the oreo, reese's PB cup shakes everyday leading up to my childs birth. I wasn't eating for two, I was just worried about my shrinking 401k. Yeah that's it. I feel much better now, and justified.

March 12, 2009 at 12:21 PM

I was planning on blaming my weight on the economy, but since Kym already used that one, I'm going to blame my slacking on VT last month on it. Gas to get there, treats to bring - these things all require money. Blasted economy!

March 16, 2009 at 8:25 AM

This is all too true. Just the other day as we climbed into my friends car we noticed many things in the car that were falling apart. naturally, we blamed it on the economy.

March 17, 2009 at 9:02 AM

Didnt youget the memo, blogs arent for smart people....grow up Chel

March 17, 2009 at 5:59 PM

I freaking love your blog, and I miss seeing your face in aspen salon!


March 17, 2009 at 8:18 PM

honestly...i got honked at on the road today. By a guy in a big black truck. Probably got laid off from the Jiffy Lube today. Poor dood.

March 26, 2009 at 4:12 PM

Not only do I love your blog, but I 100% agree with the whole interupting my life, especially my TV world. In the 1st 100 days of our new President's job, I think I've missed more of my shows then I did in all 8 years with the last pres. Come on, watching TV helps me get over all the loses I took in my 401K. Can't I at least have that pleasure?


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