What a beast! In a moment of indulgence I let myself eat some old-school, baseball stadium Cracker Jacks. Normally, I avoid all kinds of processed sugar and high calorie snacks. Since I plan on living to 110 like my Smucker's counterparts, I have to be this disciplined. But, as the day has worn on, the hunger monster got the better of me, and I slipped. Big time. Check this out, one snack-sized bag of these sweet little devils contains the following:
Calories: 150
Total fat: 2.5 g (YIKES!)
Cholesterol: O mg (phew.)
Sugars: 19 g (get the revolver.)
Anyway, I've done 500 ab flexes to try and counteract the effects. We'll see. I might have to eliminate my allocated 14 red grape evening snack. I hope not, I look forward to this.
Anyway, I feel enormous at the moment, but I'm sure this will pass by morning. When I sleep, I think I tend to burn more calories than when I'm awake. Thanks mom for great genes!
4 Response to Fatter Jack
Uh, puh-lease! You know you are so gorgeous and have the fastest metabolism of anyone I know. If anyone's the heifer here, it's me.
(By the way, have I mentioned that I have ridiculously low self-esteem? But then again, that's the only type of person you like to surround yourself with, right?)
What up fat girl? You know I'm just teasing when I call you that. You are sweet! I'm the luckiest girl because my friends are the bomb squad.
chelsey, you need to be punished. i love the blogger in you.
Can I just say that I laughed out loud when you used the phrase, "smuckers counterparts?" your blog is my daily indulgence. Manna.
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