So, I needed my birth certificate ASAP. But when it comes to the government, they are no respector of persons . . . or so I thought. On Tuesday, I did a little googley googlin and came across a site that I could use to pay with a credit card. Credit cards are better than checks, because they aren't paper and they're not so mommy. OF course this seemed the best option, except that there was just no way around getting a notarized signature faxed to the vital records office in Fairfield, CA, my place of birth. And fax? Please, is it the 80s? Anyway, everything was seeming a bit archaic, but I decided to play by the rules. Reluctantly.
However, during the ordering process, I did notice there was a fed ex option for delivery. Fed Ex is obviously better than USPS because it's usually more expensive. Check yes please. So, of course it cost a little more, but I've never been afraid of a dollar sign. Finally, Tuesday afternoon I got all my ish "faxed" off and awaited a 2 week arrival of my package, or whenever pony express could get it here.
Now, I wasn't expecting to have any special treatment, but sometimes this stuff just follows you. And ta dah, Wednesday afternoon, after returning home from a pleasant day at work, my roomie, Liz, presented me with a beautiful Fed Ex package. Inside: MY Birth Certificate. Sheesh! Turns out, it pays to "DISCOVER."
1 Response to Overnight Miracle
ha. i knew you'd be're life is just too damn good. but my favorite line in this post (aside from the one with my name in it of course) was "i've never been afraid of a dollar sign" yeah, girl!
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